多益單字- currency
currency [ˋkɝənsɪ]
currency n.通貨,貨幣
The Japanese yen is one of the stronger currencies in the world.
hard currency 強勢貨幣
soft currency 準備金不足的貨幣. 軟通貨
foreign currency 外幣
artificial currency 人工貨幣
green currency 綠色貨幣(歐洲共同體農產品交易所使用的貨幣)
single currency 統一貨幣,單一貨幣
base currency 基礎通貨
common currency 共同貨幣
floating currency 自由浮動貨幣
fractional currency 輔幣
reserve currency儲備貨幣
managed currency 管理通貨
paper currency 紙幣
withdrawal of currency 提款
decimal currency 十進制的貨幣
currency risk 貨幣風險
currency manipulator 貨幣操縱國
Asian Currency Units 亞洲貨幣單位存款(= ACUs)
Euro-currency 歐洲貨幣(歐洲金融市場使用的通貨)
European Currency Unit 歐洲貨幣單位
base currency 基礎通貨
international-currency format 國別設定-貨幣格式
Trump accuses China of being a currency manipulator who devalues the Renminbi on purpose.
currency converter貨幣換算工具
currency devaluation 貨幣貶值
currency market 貨幣市場
currency unit 貨幣單位
currency n.通用,流通;流傳,傳播
These ideas have gained wide currency. 這些思想已廣泛傳播。
His ideas enjoyed wide currency during the last century.
Many informal expressions are gaining currency in serious newspapers.
common currency 流行;通行;流傳
gain currency with 流行開來
lose currency with 停止流通,失去…信任
give currency to 傳播…
同義詞n. 通貨,貨幣
money, cash, legal tender